General information include capital of United States, currency and conversion rate of United States currency, Telephone Country code, exchange rate against US Dollar and Euro in case of major world currencies etc.

San Francisco International Airport - SFO.Los Angeles International Airport - LAX.Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport - XNA.Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - PHX.While states have hundreds of airports each, these are the most frequented airports for each. The following are the most-used airports in each state. Codes are considered permanent and are rarely reused.IATA codes are typically the same as the FAA-assigned three-letter codes. Located at the south end of the Butte valley and near the junction of Interstate-15 and Interstate-90, the Bert Mooney Airport (airport code: BTM) provides.In some cases, the first letter of an airport’s name is omitted and subsequent letters are used (such as wILMington).Sometimes codes correspond with less obvious historical associations for a location (such as MCO for Orlando).Runway conditions at our various airports are.

Private use airport registration in Montana is voluntary, however, we estimate that Montana has over 450 active private use airstrips. Montana also has a large number of private use airports.

All codes are in combinations of three letters.

Some of the main features of the IATA/ATA location IDs are: Location IDs covering United States airports are assigned by IATA in conjunction with the Air Transport Association (ATA). Most commonly, the airport code can be seen on the baggage tag added to checked bags at the check-in counter. Resolution 763 states that all member airlines must use the location IDs published three times per year in the “Airline Coding Directory.” The codes are used for ticketing, reservations, and baggage handling, among other uses. IATA Resolution 763 governs the assignment of these codes.